Using Twitter in tax practice
David Garde presented to the Chartered Accountants Australia + New Zealand Tax Discussion Group No. 15 on “Using Twitter in tax practice” on 7 June 2016.
During and following the presentation David was asked how to get started on Twitter and are there Twitter users he can suggest for a new Twitter user in the tax space:
Getting started on Twitter
The 8 minute youtube video How to Use Twitter on Your iPhone, for Seniors is a helpful getting started step by step guide.
Twitter can also be easily set up from the Twitter website or even by selecting:
- the
icons at this site to follow @TheTaxObjection;
- the similar icon/link at other sites; or
- any of the below links to Twitter users.
If you have not joined Twitter then you will be prompted/taken to join Twitter before you can the follow the Twitter user you try to follow.
Microblogging about tax
As mentioned in the presentation there is a huge amount of information microblogged on tax with an emphasis on tax comments on what Twitter users find interesting and worth tweeting about.
It is probably better to follow the feed of interesting users/conversations for a while before posting/making tweets until you are comfortable with the Twitter platform. Lots of Twitter users don’t post tweets at all and so just use Twitter as an information service in quiet moments conveniently on their phone. It’s easy to follow users, and to unfollow them if you don’t want to see them in your Twitter feed (timeline) any more.
Some users to follow who tweet about tax
Views about what is interesting are personal and vary with the type of tax work you do. Some Twitter users tax practitioners could follow are:
Australian tax
The TaxObjection – @TheTaxObjection (of course!)
taxchat (Diana Winfield, CCH) – @taxchat
GreenwoodsTax – @GreenwoodsTax
International tax
Jesse Drucker (Bloomberg) – @JesseDrucker
Tax Justice Network – @taxjusticenet
Michael West (former SMH) – @MichaelWestBiz
Michael Pascoe (SMH & The Age) – @MichaelPascoe01
and, of course,
CharteredAcctsANZ – @Chartered_Accts
Following conversations
and you can join conversations too like
Once set up why not tweet “#TDGNo15 I am on Twitter” so we can see it on the #TDGNo15 conversation?
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